Earn $10 a day by Adfly and Adfocus

Earn $10 a day by Adfly and Adfocus


Link shrink and earn money faster tricks

Adfocus tricks or Adfly tricks

Today I am going to share a trick by which you can earn $10 a day from Adfly and Adfoc. More often people try looking for Bots but this trick uses simple tools to get views fastest way. I have two tricks to share with you.

Trick 1: Timer addon for adfoc or adfly views

Requirements: Auto refresh addon on Firefox or Chorme and Kepard VPN (because it provides many IPs and is best Free app available)

What you need to do?
1. Copy all of your adfoc or adfly links to a notepad and save it on desktop
2. Switch on the Kepard VPN with US proxies setting (because US proxies pay more)
3. Open your browser and copy all your links in address bar of different tabs and hit enter in each
4. Now use auto refresh addon button to refresh the page after every 10 seconds
5. Leave the page for 10-15 minutes and after that stop the auto refresh and change the IP to another US server

Trick 2: Repeat clicks task software (RECOMMENDED)

Requirements: Do it Again software, Kepard VPN

What you need to do?
1. Start a blog if you don't have and paste all the links onto one post with "open in new tab" on click property
2. Now use this software called do it again by clicking "CREATE A NEW TASK"
3. Change IP via VPN, click all links in blog and click skip ad in each tab
4. Close all tabs except your blog post and click scroll lock to stop
5. Save the task with apt task name and click Options to select Repeat task setting
6. Enter 100 or any appropriate value that you feel under "How many times you want to repeat task?"
7. Double click the task name under Run a Task
8. Click Scroll lock and Change the IP after every 10 minutes for not getting Banned
9. Click Run the task after changing the IP

Note: don't change position of windows or else Do it again won't be able to repeat tasks.
Earn easily by adfoc or adfly